Language learning strategies guide language learners to become active learners that can provide their own needs and choose their preference in learning the language. Therefore, this study was done to study the language learning strategies used by high and low achieving students in learning speaking as well as how they apply their strategies. There were 20 participants taking part in this study. They were classified into high and low achievers based on the students speaking score of their speaking performances. SILL questionnaire proposed by Oxford (1990) was adapted in this study to better fit the purpose of this study. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was also done to measure what it was intended to measure. Besides questionnaire, a semi-structured interview was also used as the instrument to complement the quantitative data. Based on the data gathered through questionnaire, the study revealed that metacognitive strategy as the most frequently used strategy by high and low achieving students. Additionally, the data gathered through interviews also showed that each group of achievers applied all language learning strategies as proposed by Oxford (1990); memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy, and social strategy. However, high achiever learners were reported using a higher number (13 strategies) of language learning strategies than low achiever learners (11 strategies). The study confirms that learners who have a higher level of English competence will almost certainly apply wider strategies in their language learning.
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