In developing a company, marketing strategy is an important factor that must be implemented. However, the key to a company's success is not only the marketing strategy implemented, but also the ability to carry out appropriate analysis and observation of the factors that influence marketing strategy. The aim of the research is to provide information on how to implement marketing strategies in global or international markets in Indonesia. This study uses the literature review method as a way to conduct critical and in-depth research on relevant library materials or literature. The purpose of this literature review is to be able to solve a problem or explain a topic in more detail and depth. The results of the research are that marketing local products in the global market requires a careful approach and strategies that are relevant to market conditions in various countries. Manufacturers must consider cultural factors, consumer preferences, competition, and market regulations that differ in several countries, so that they are able and fit to compete. By understanding the global market and adapting products to the needs and tastes of consumers in different countries, manufacturers will be able to increase their market share at the international level. So it is important for companies to have a good understanding of the global market as well as good marketing strategies to market local products.
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