Viqi Vincentius Julio, Sindrawati Sindrawati, Fransiscus Arifin


Background: One of the risk of breast cancer is Obesity (BMI > 23Kg/m2) related to estrogen production between pre-menopause and post-menopause.

Aim: To investigate the difference of breast cancer estrogen receptor (ER) in obese women based on menopausal status.

Methods: This study was retrospective cross-sectional from secondary data (Medical Records) from Poliklinik Onkologi Satu Atap (POSA) RSUD Dr. Soetomo (ICD-10 C50) from 2013-2017 with inclusion criteria was BMI >23Kg/m2. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square.

Results: There were 138 patient medical records collected which is 63 were obese pre-menopause and 75 were obese post-menopause. There were statistically a significant difference (p<0,05) based on Chi square test of breast cancer estrogen receptor for obese post-menopause women (66,7%) to obese pre-menopause (39,7%). Obese post-menopause women have 1,68 times greater risk factor to become estrogen receptor positive (ER+) compared to obese pre-menopause women. (PR = 1,68; 95% CI = 1,191-2,370)

Conclusion : There is a significant difference of breast cancer estrogen receptor in obese post-menopause women more frequent than obese pre-menopause women.


Breast Cancer; Estrogen Receptors; Obese; Menopausal Status

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/jwmj.v5i3.4853


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