Introduction: Nowadays, the average human uses digital tools for their daily needs such as
work, study, and communication. One of the most commonly used is a computer. Long-term
use of computers can cause several complex problems in the eyes and vision, such as eye
fatigue, eye irritation, red eyes, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain, and
headache that can be referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome. Tension-Type headache
(TTH) is a headache with a binding sensation with mild to a moderate intensity that lasts for
several minutes to days, that might be caused by excessive contraction of muscle due to
fatigue at work. Therefore, there is a possibility that there is an association between Computer
Vision Syndrome and Tension-Type Headache.
Purpose: To analyze the association between CVS and TTH in Computer Workers.
Method: Cross-sectional design was used in this research, and the sampling method was
consecutive sampling, and a questionnaire was used. The research period was two days, from
16th to 17th July 2019, at Graha Pena Building, Surabaya.
Results: Respondent that experienced CVS was 61,9%, TTH was 27,6%, both CVS and TTH
was 19,4%, and analysis with chi-square test, showed p=0,220 which means that theres no
association between CVS and TTH.
Conclusion: Theres no association between CVS and TTH in Computer Workers.
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