Early Breastfeeding Initiation And Exclusive Breastfeeding Impact On Growth Of Baby From One To Six Months Of Age

Lisa Pangemanan, Benedictus Triagung Ruddy Prabantoro, Susan Susan


Early breastfeeding initiation is provision of mothers breast milk to infant within one hour of birth. It is used to promote breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has many health benefit for infant because of its important nutritional contribution. Studies in developing countries has found that frequent breastfeeding is associated with greater linear growth. However, rate of exclusive breastfeeding is still low in many countries, among others, Indonesia (<40%). The low rate of exclusive breastfeeding may contribute to high malnutrition rate in children. This study aims to analyze early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding impact on growth of baby 1-6 months old. This is a prospective cohort study. No randomization was done. Body weight (BW), body length (BL) and head circumference (HC) were monitored and assessed monthly. Feeding options were asked monthly. Two groups available in this study were babies with early breastfeeding initiation continued with exclusive breastfeeding and babies without early breastfeeding initiation continued with exclusive breastfeeding. Sixty-seven samples were analyzed. No significant difference was found between babies who received early initiation of breastfeeding continued with exclusive breastfeeding in the 1st month in terms of BW (p=0.689), BL (p=0.810) and HC (p=0.820), 2nd month BW (p=0.644), BL (p=0.636) and HC (p=0.483), 3rd month BW (p=0.377), BL (p=0.973) and HC (p=0.580), 4th month BW (p=0.899), BL (p=0.269) and HC (p=0.534), 5th month BW (p=0.825), BL (p=0.264) and HC (p=0.454), 6th month BW (p=0.131), BL (p=0.914) and babies who did not receive that. The only significant different was found in terms of HC (p=0.036)between those group at 6th month observation. Early breastfeeding initiation continued with exclusive breastfeeding showed similar result with the other group in terms of BW, BL and HC for baby 1-6 months old except the HC in the sixth month


Early breastfeeding initiation; Exclusive breastfeeding; Growth

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/jwm.v6i2.2786

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