Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization On An Erythrodermic Psoriasis Patient

Dave Gerald Oenarta, NN Sri Budayanti, NN Dwi Fatmawati, NM Adi Tarini


Skin plays an important role as the physical barrier and first-line immunological defense against dangerous stimuli, including bacteria. Erythroderma is a condition of excessive skin irritation causing extensive erythema and desquamation. Erythroderma itself is caused by various underlying conditions, one of them is psoriasis vulgaris. In erythroderma, there is an extensive disruption of physical barrier leading to the exposure of various bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus. In human, this bacteria can either colonize or infect the host if exposed to open wound. It is essential to determine this as it will affect the necessity of administering antibiotics. Laboratory examinations such as complete blood count, Gram staining, and culture can help to determine the status of this bacteria. A correlation between clinical features and laboratory examinations is paramount in deciding patient management.


Staphylococcus Aureus, Erythroderma, Physical Barrier, Colonization, Pathogen

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