Until the end of September 2023, the interest rate policy in the Republic of Indonesia shifted from 3.50% to 5.75%. The objective of this study is to examine whether changes in interest rates have an impact on the market efficiency in Indonesia. The daily market returns of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) indices from January 3rd, 2022, until October 9th, 2023 are employed. To examine the market efficiency in weak form, this study conducts the normality test by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the unit root problem test by Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, and the variance ratio test. This study finds that most market indices experienced a decline in returns and were less volatile when interest rates shifted to higher levels. This study also finds that most market indices tend to remain efficient in weak form at both low and high interest rates. The finding implies that those indices tend not to be influenced by policy changes in interest rates. However, the findings also show that several market indices experience changes in conditions when interest rates shift. As the studies on the relationship between changes in interest rates and market efficiency are scarce, the novelty of this study is the use of event windows to get specific impact of changes in interest rates on market efficiency.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/rima.v6i2.5130
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