Felix Kurniawan Adithia, Dave Gerald Oenarta, Bernadette Dian Novita Dewi


Background: High injury incidence is a consideration of wound prevention with the prevalence of iris/torn/puncture injuries 20.1% in 2018. Indonesian people have a high level of confidence in traditional medicine and one of them is Moringa. Moringa phytochemical content has the potential to speed up the healing process of incision wounds.

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of moringa leaf extract cream with concentrations of 5%, 15%, and 45% on the healing process of white rat incision wounds (Rattus norvegicus) by assessing the healing phase and using the Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT).

Method: This research is experimental with a post-test-only control group design. Sampling by simple random sampling method and calculated using Federer's formula with the number of samples of 30 white rats divided into five groups, namely two groups of control and three treatment groups with 6 white rats in each group for 21 days.

Results: In the analysis of BWAT score data with the MANNOVA test, there were insignificant results on day 1 (p=0.840) and day 7 (p=0.888), then there were significant results on day 14 (p=0.001). Post-hoc results showed significant differences between the negative control group and positive control over the 45% moringa leaf extract creaming group. In the analysis of healing phase data with the Kruskal-Walliss test, significant results were obtained in the coagulation phase (p=0.000) and the proliferation phase (p=0.001). The results of the Mann-Whitney test in the coagulation phase showed significant differences between the control and treatment groups while in the proliferation phase there were significant results between the control group and the treatment and there were no meaningful differences between the treatment groups.

Conclusion: There is no significant difference in effectiveness between the administration of moringa leaf extract cream to accelerate the healing process of incision wounds.


Cream; moringa leaf extract; incision wound; BWAT; coagulation; proliferation

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