Introduction:Elderly with disability need caregivers assistance in their activities of daily living. The caregiver can experience burden during caring for dependent elderly. The burden can affect caregivers quality of life.
Objectives: to measure and test the correlation between dependent elderlys caregiver burden and quality of life in Klitren Kampong, Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta Municipality.
Materials and Methods:The subjects were primary informal caregivers aged ? 18 years with good cognitive functions who caring for the elders with ADL score <12. Respondents were selected using consecutive sampling technique. This is a quantitative research with cross-sectional study design. Zarit Burden Interview and Caregiver Reaction Assessment were used to assessing caregivers burden. WHO Quality of Life-BREF was used to assess caregivers quality of life. Data was analysed using spearmans rank correlation.
Results:There were 21 female study subjects. In each of the CRA and ZBI domains, the caregivers burden tend to be low (mean=8.6310.73072.4210.983). Caregivers quality of life tend to be low (mean=49.7611.96260.7611.726). There is a strong and statistically significant correlation between the impact on finance (p=0.000, ?=-0.678) and impact on health (p=0.002, ?=-0.602) domain on CRA with the environmental domain of WHOQoL-BREF. There is a strong and statistically significant correlation between the impact on schedule domain on CRA with the psychological domain of WHOQoL-BREF (p=0,000, ?=-0.683).
Conclusion:There are significant correlations between caregivers burden and quality of life especially on certain domains. Caregivers with higher burden have lower quality of life.
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