Insomnia Levels In Elderly At Griya Santo Yosef And Panti Surya Before And After The Lavender Aromatherapy Treatment
control group. Furthermore, the idea of this experiment is to use a pre-test and post-test control group design approach. For sample earnings, consecutive sampling technique is used by picking a sample that is qualified for inclusion criteria, and that is not included in the exclusion criteria. Thus, the minimum sample could be fulfilled. The statistics test is using a Chi-Square test. Result: The result of insomnia level before and after aromatherapy treatment using the ChiSquare analysis (p=0,000) shows
that there isa difference that is due to the intervention. In the treatment group, there were 14 participants with mild insomnia and seven participants with severe insomnia. The result shows that 14 participants did not have insomnia, and seven other participants have mild insomnia. Meanwhile, the control group shows no difference in their insomnia, but decreasing in their score. Conclusion: Elders with lavender aromatherapy treatment for one week have shown declining insomnia level from severe to mild, and for the mild level of insomnia problems become cured, However, those who were given placebo shows no difference.
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