Nutritional Status And Fuctional Status Among Elderly In Santo Yosef Surabaya Nursing Home
nutritional status and functional status among elderly in Santo Yosef Surabaya Nursing Home. Methods : This study used an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used was an MMSE questionnaire for assessment of cognitivse function, MNA-SF for
assessment of nutritional status and Barthel Index for assessment of functional status. The analysis technique used was the Kendalls Tau c correlation test. Result : Of the 43 research subjects, 34.9% suffered from malnutrition, 41.9% were at risk of malnutrition, and 23.3% were normal. Functional status data found 2.3% have total dependence, 20.9% heavy dependence, 18.6% moderate dependence, 37.2% mild dependence, and 20.9% are independent. The results demonstrated a significant correlation with the strength of a moderate positive correlation between nutritional status and functional status among elderly in Santo Yosef Surabaya Nursing Home (r = 0.42; p = 0.001). Conclusion: This study shows that there is a significant correlation between nutritional status and functional status.
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