Drinking traditional medicine (jamu is one of Indonesian traditions. This activity influenced by culture, family factors, group of reference and psychology. This paper tries to
ex[plore attitude and intention consuming bitter jamu in Surabaya. The research design is exploratory and descriptive without hyphothesis. The research respondents are 100 which
collected by documentation study, interview and survey. Moreover, they are analyze by Fisbein formula.
The results show that (1) attitude to product: customer likes bitter jamu. (2) attitude to consumer behaviour : costumer is a neutral. (3) behaviour intention of jamu : customer like
consume jamu. (4) the reference trust is neutral, expect parent references. (5) responden motivation to group of references is neutral (less motivated) to follow sugestions. (6)
norm for each group of reference is neutral for sibblings, parents, media and seller references and it is not follow friends references. (7) subjective norm as a whole is neutral to group of referencess sugestion (8) Consumer intention to consume bitter jamu is neutral.
ex[plore attitude and intention consuming bitter jamu in Surabaya. The research design is exploratory and descriptive without hyphothesis. The research respondents are 100 which
collected by documentation study, interview and survey. Moreover, they are analyze by Fisbein formula.
The results show that (1) attitude to product: customer likes bitter jamu. (2) attitude to consumer behaviour : costumer is a neutral. (3) behaviour intention of jamu : customer like
consume jamu. (4) the reference trust is neutral, expect parent references. (5) responden motivation to group of references is neutral (less motivated) to follow sugestions. (6)
norm for each group of reference is neutral for sibblings, parents, media and seller references and it is not follow friends references. (7) subjective norm as a whole is neutral to group of referencess sugestion (8) Consumer intention to consume bitter jamu is neutral.