Kesesuaian Strategi dan Lingkungan: Telaah dari Perspektif Deterministik-Pilihan Strategik

Margani Pinasti, Teodora Winda Mulia


The aim of this paper is to discuss fit strategy-environmental, in different perspective.
Environment looked into from perspective of strategic deterministic-strategic choices, becoming organizational theory area focus. Pursuant to perspective of deterministic -strategic choices, can be identified four quadrant (Hrebiniak and Joyce model, 1985) environment type faced by company, that is (1) high determinism, low choice (Quadrant I); ( 2) high determinism, high choice (quadrant II); (3) low determinism, high choice (quadrant III) ( d) low determinism,
low choice (quadrant IV). Every quadrant chime in with the type and process the different
,,trot"g, quadrant I chime in with the strategy defender; quadrant II chime in with the strategy
analyzer; quadrant III chime in with the strategy prospector; and quadrant IV chime in with
the strategy reactor

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