Aplikasi Rasio Keuangan untuk Memprediksi Laba pada Perusahaan Properti yang Go Publik di Bursa Efek Jakarta

N. Agus Sunarjanto, Feena Renata Anggraeni


This paper draws the ability of financial ratio as an earning predictor of property
companies at Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX). Moreover this research tries to find which is
significant distinction between financial ratios to property companies
This research is conducted by hypotesis and analyzed by discriminant analysys.
As result, financial ratios be able to predict property companies earning in JSX with the
grouping accuraly is 65.74 % (wilk's lamda: 0.881 and chi 'square: 13.262) than, by stepwise
method, the result shows that ROA and current ratio are different.

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