Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat melalui UKM dan Entrepreneurship di Kalangan Pengusaha Kecil

Hg. Suseno TW


As the crisis deepened in 1997 and early 1998, there were fears that many workers in several sectors would become unemployed and numbers of poverty had increased. Urban unemployment
had risen from 8 to 9,3%, and rural unemployment from 2,8 to 3,3% in 1999. What is happening in the Indonesian economy at present? There were caused the people power are not focus in the
economic policy. As Warren Buffet said, when the tide goes ou4 that you can see who's swimming naked.
This article will to discuss about the power of people's economy. How to correlation between people's economy concept and small-medium enterprise, and to improve entrepreneurship in small-medium enterprises.

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