Contradiction of Ideas in George Bernard Shaws Mrs Warrens Profession
Mrs Warrens Profession categorized as play unpleasant by its author George Bernard Shaw, is
one of world most famous and controversial plays. The play, unlike other play during its era,
uses the corruption and hypocrisy from the upper class of Victorian Era society as the theme.
The play is purposed by the author as a scathing criticism to its theme. This purpose is
materialized on the ideas represented by the two major female characters in the play. Uniquely,
these ideas differs greatly to one on another until it looks like a there is decent contradiction on
it. From this point, this paper aims at finding out ideas represented by the two major female
characters. There are two major female characters being analyzed, Vivie Warren, a Cambridge
graduate and Mrs Warren, both Vivie Warrens estranged mother and a brothel owner. The
finding of the major female characters ideas takes lengthy but worthful steps. The writer first has
to read the script of the play five times. The first and second one are to know the overall of the
drama and take notes of interesting things on the play. When the writer does those two steps
above he also selects the narrations and dialogs in the play are related to the topics and also reads
and analyzes other books and sources related to the topics of the thesis. Those steps above are
essential to gather data that will be used to reveal setting, characters, plot and, theme of the play
in order to do the analysis. He later read the play three more times to group the topics on the
play, categorizes the idea of the major female characters and make sure all ideas are on its
correct place.
one of world most famous and controversial plays. The play, unlike other play during its era,
uses the corruption and hypocrisy from the upper class of Victorian Era society as the theme.
The play is purposed by the author as a scathing criticism to its theme. This purpose is
materialized on the ideas represented by the two major female characters in the play. Uniquely,
these ideas differs greatly to one on another until it looks like a there is decent contradiction on
it. From this point, this paper aims at finding out ideas represented by the two major female
characters. There are two major female characters being analyzed, Vivie Warren, a Cambridge
graduate and Mrs Warren, both Vivie Warrens estranged mother and a brothel owner. The
finding of the major female characters ideas takes lengthy but worthful steps. The writer first has
to read the script of the play five times. The first and second one are to know the overall of the
drama and take notes of interesting things on the play. When the writer does those two steps
above he also selects the narrations and dialogs in the play are related to the topics and also reads
and analyzes other books and sources related to the topics of the thesis. Those steps above are
essential to gather data that will be used to reveal setting, characters, plot and, theme of the play
in order to do the analysis. He later read the play three more times to group the topics on the
play, categorizes the idea of the major female characters and make sure all ideas are on its
correct place.