Novie Erawati Suwiji, Dyna Rachmawati


Development of information technology in the era of globalization make the business environment more dynamic. Compa-nies need a resource that can provide a competitive advantage for the company to be competitive in the business environment, namely intellectual capital. Many studies have proven the benefits of intellectual capital in various industries. Almost every in-dustry has felt the impact of the increase in intellectual capital (Luthy, 1998). But the characteristics of each industry is different, then the intellectual capital investment will be different. The hypothesis that emerged in research on certain industries have dif-ferent intellectual capital with other industries. Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate empirically the intellectual capital dif-ferences between industries, namely banking, telecommunications, and manufacturing with two methods that VAICTM and con-tent analysis. The object of this research is the corporate banking, telecommunications, and listed on the Stock Exchange in 2014 with a sample of 143 companies selected by purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using different test average (inde-pendent sample T-test). The research proves that there is a difference between the intellectual capital of the banking, telecommu-nications, and manufacturing industry with content analysis. While the method VAICTM only proves that there is a difference between the intellectual capital of the banking and manufacturing industry. Analysis report of VAICTM method proves that the manufacturing industry has the intellectual capital that is higher than the two other industries. While content analysis method proves that telecommunications industry has the intellectual capital that is higher than the banking and manufacturing industry.


Modal Intelektual; Perbankan; Telekomunikasi; Manufaktur; VAICTM; Content Analysis

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Copyright (c) 2020 Novie Erawati Suwiji, Dyna Rachmawati

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