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Student-to-Student Cooperation in Virtual Learning without Breakout Rooms | Santosa | Beyond Words ojs2 has produced an error Message: WARNING: unlink(/var/www/html/ojs2485/cache/fc-keywords_en_US-18.php): Permission denied In file: /var/www/html/ojs2485/lib/pkp/classes/cache/FileCache.inc.php At line: 57 Stacktrace: Server info: OS: Linux PHP Version: 5.6.40-81+ubuntu22.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 Apache Version: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) DB Driver: mysql DB server version: 10.1.10-MariaDB
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Student-to-Student Cooperation in Virtual Learning without Breakout Rooms

Made Hery Santosa, Francisca Maria Ivone, George M Jacobs, Jenett C. Flores


Education has increasingly turned to virtual learning in response to greater awareness of the benefits of virtual learning, increased technology to support learning outside of educational institutions, and, sadly, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, awareness has also increased of the benefits of student-student cooperation, and technology to facilitate that cooperation has multiplied. Unfortunately, not all students have access to that technology. This article shares ideas, both low-tech and high-tech, to enhance the functioning of groups in virtual learning environments.


Student Cooperation; Virtual Learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/bw.v10i1.3774

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